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How to Keep Your House Warm & Save Money this Winter

Easy Ways to Keep Your House Warm & Save Money this Winter

As outside temperatures drop, the indoor thermostat turns up… and so does your heating bill.  And while high energy costs are an expected inconvenience for homeowners each year, it doesn’t need to be.  In fact, there are a number of easy ways to stay warm at home AND keep costs down, too.

Here are a few easy ways to keep your house warm and save money this winter.

Tip #1 – Seal Air Leaks

Even the smallest leaks around windows and doors will cause heat to escape the home and let cold air inside.  Placing draft snake in front of these areas is an easy fix to reduce costs, keep warm, and save money this winter.

If you don’t have a draft snake, simply roll up a towel or other piece of fabric and place as needed to seal up air leaks.

Additionally, be sure your windows and doors are properly closed and remove any air conditioner units that leave room for air to escape. Using silicone caulk around drafty doors and windows also provides a temporary seal – and won’t damage paint!

Tip #2 – Utilize Natural Heat

Take advantage of free solar energy by opening up your curtains and blinds is a great way to keep the house warm and save money during winter.  Let the sunshine in to heat your home during the day, then close the blinds at night to add an extra layer covering your windows to keep cool air out.

You can also reduce energy costs by utilizing existing heat in the house. Try turning down the thermostat when cooking and while taking a hot shower or bath.  Reversing the direction of ceiling fan blades can also help circulate existing warm air throughout the home; lowering your energy consumption.

Tip #3 –  System Maintenance & Tune-Ups

Making sure your system has been properly installed and maintained is vital to keep the house warm and save money. Having your HVAC system professionally installed and serviced by a certified technician helps pinpoint needed adjustments and prevent costly malfunctioning down the line.

Additionally, you can (and should!) ensure your heating system is been properly maintained by routinely cleaning or changing the filter(s) and inspecting ductwork for any leaks. It’s also important to make sure your air vents are clean and not blocked by dirt or debris – so remember to vacuum your vents!

Tip #4 – Add Insulation

Insulating your pipes with fiberglass insulation or spray foam will not only protect them from freezing, but also help prevent heat loss from the water that runs through them. This reduces risk while keeping your house warm and money saved.

In addition to pipe insulation, it’s also vital to make sure your floors, ceilings and exterior walls are insulated properly to minimize heat loss, save more, and maintain a comfortable home.

Slomin’s Home Heating Oil

Keeping your home warm while saving money is easy with Slomin’s.  See for yourself how much you can save this year by locking in online today!  Or give us a call at 516-932-7000.